Educación ambientalGrupo Tragsa y MARNoticias

MARSOLut ETN. Workshop 1. MAR Techniques (Madrid, Spain, 2019 Nov 6th to 8th)

The first workshop within the MARSoluT project took place from 06 to 08 November 2019 at the headquarters of Empresa de Transformacion Agraria S.A. (Tragsa) in Madrid, Spain. It served as an orientation workshop where the research fellows (ESRs) got familiar with the project and project objectives and are introduced to MAR in general. In detail, it comprised an introduction to the MARSoluT project, its scientific and training goals, work plan and structure, as well as an introduction of the MAR technologies. Also, the MAR case study of the Arenales aquifer in Spain was presented. The workshop featured a personal introduction round by all ESRs, and a visit to a full-scale MAR field site for a practical first-hand view (MAR facilities at Los Arenales aquifer). The research fellows had the opportunity to meet and become acquainted with each other and were informed about the project’s upcoming activities. However, a strong focus of the workshop was laid on technical presentations, discussions and exercises.




The MARSoluT group in Segovia to see the Roman aqueduct, following a day-long field trip to see the MAR installations in the region of Los Arenales aquifer, Segovia and Valladolid provinces.


MARSoluT - Managed Aquifer Recharge Solutions Training Network - is a four-year Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Innovative Training Network (ITN) supported by the European Commission.

 Managed Aquifer Recharge / Recarga Artificial




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