Educación ambientalNoticiasProyecto DINA-MAR

IAH-MAR Commission. Memoria de la anualidad 2016 y noticias (post in English)


For information, the report of last year’s activities has now been submitted to IAH and mounted on the IAH-MAR web site:


The website has been updated and contains information of value. Specially relevant are the new pages for working groups and networks. There are a lot of activities in which to participate at:


-IAH 44th Congress Dubrovnik 25-29 Sept 2017 ATTENTION: Deadline for abstracts is next March 15th!


-Australasian Groundwater Conference, Sydney, 11-13 July 2017


At both symposia there are themes that encourage papers on MAR, and the Commission will be holding plenaries at both.  Please consider making a submission and attending a plenary.


Concerning ISMAR9, 13 papers have now been published with open access by MDPI J Water in a thematic issue “Water quality considerations of MAR systems” Water:


A further 60 ISMAR9 papers were invited and 26 were submitted and are currently in process of review and revision for a special issue of the Springer journal Sustainable Water Resources Management entitled “Managed Aquifer Recharge in Integrated Water Management. Imminent publication at:


On behalf of Peter Dillon and co-chairs, Weiping Wang and Enrique Fernández Escalante:



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