El International Groundwater Resources and Assessment Centre (IGRAC) acaba de publicar un nuevo noticiario con importantes eventos relacionados con la técnica MAR. Algunas de las noticias incluidas son:
-IGRAC, INOWAS, DEMEAU and IAH launch global MAR portal
-IGRAC hosts workshop: 'Water Harvesting and MAR in Palestine'
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IGRAC has developed a portal on MAR sites in collaboration with INOWAS, DEMEAU and the IAH MAR commission. This MAR portal enables users to search and freely access valuable information on MAR sites globally. Currently, the inventory contains only the site name, coordinates, MAR type and the reference. Over the next several months, the web-based platform will include further layers such as the year when the MAR scheme went into operation, the annual volume of recharge, the source of infiltration water, the aquifer type, the final use of recovered water, as well as the main objectives of the project.
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