A methodology for wetland classification attending to the capacity for artificial aquifer recharge. Application to the Coca-Olmedo wetlands, Duero basin (Spain).
A specific system to classify wetlands attending to their suitability for aquifer recharge-based restoration is proposed. The system is based on several approaches, highlighting wetland’s relationship with the aquifer, current state of conservation, typology of environmental impacts that have affected the wetland, hydrogeological conditions, presence of water and viability of aquifer recharge. This paper arises from the PhD of the first author.
A methodology for wetland classification attending to the capacity for artificial aquifer recharge. Application to the Coca-Olmedo wetlands, Duero basin (Spain).(Formato .pdf, 443)
Anejo. A methodology for wetland classification attending to the capacity for artificial aquifer recharge. Application to the Coca-Olmedo wetlands, Duero basin (Spain).(Formato .pdf, 17)
Póster. A methodology for wetland classification attending to the capacity for artificial aquifer recharge. Application to the Coca-Olmedo wetlands, Duero basin (Spain).(Formato .jpg, 954 KB)
Use of environmental indicators in a multi-criteria analysis of the impact of mar on groundwater dependent wetlands.
The following pages present an attempt to design a system of environmental indicators to monitor the evolution of an aquifer by means of recent artificial recharge works. In this way, it is possible to value its effectiveness and to follow the evolution and the interaction between the different technical, economical and environmental aspects. For the study of its evolution and the degree of interaction, a system of ranges-weights and a multi-criteria evaluation polygon have been designed. The application of the proposed methodology allows to know the “state of pressure”, to correct adverse environmental impacts and to systematically improve the efficiency of technical operations.
Use of environmental indicators in a multi-criteria analysis of the impact of mar on groundwater dependent wetlands(Formato .pdf, 344 KB)
The "Careos" from Alpujarra (Granada, Spain), a historical example of artificial recharge previous to XIII century applicable to the XXI century. Characterization and inventory.
The "careos" system canals constitute one of the first devices for artificial recharge of aquifers of the Iberian Peninsula. Operative from the Muslim period, they present a construction system and distribution still operative at the present what constitutes an example to keep in mind on groundwater management. This paper present a bibliographical recompilation of their origin, construction and operation. We had upgraded the inventory on the field and finally present practical recommendations in order to the design and management of systems of superficial artificial recharge of aquifer. This paper arise from the pH Thesis of the first author.
The "Careos" from Alpujarra (Granada, Spain), a historical example of artificial recharge previous to XIII century applicable to the XXI century. Characterization and inventory.(Formato .pdf, 1155 KB)
Póster. The "Careos" from Alpujarra (Granada, Spain), a historical example of artificial recharge previous to XIII century applicable to the XXI century. Characterization and inventory.(Formato .pdf, 247 KB)