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Nuevo video Artificial Recharge can stop depletion of aquifers (subtitulado en inglés)

Nuevo video producido por el United college de Hilversum, Países Bajos (subtitulado en inglés) a cargo de Jos Peters & Theo Olsthoorn. 4:39 min.

If you want to know how artificial recharge can stop depletion of groundwater aquifers, take a look at this video”

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Today, October 13, is International Day of Disaster risk Reduction 2018: hashtag#IDDR2018. Extreme weather events lead to direct fatalities and social disruption. Yes, it is very urgent to make the world more flood resilient. But there are other challenges we are facing: rapidly increasing shortages of fresh water worldwide. UN (#WWDR2018) reports that the world population that lives in areas that are potentially water-scarce could increase to some 4.8-5.7 billion by 2050 (#PopulationGrowth and #ClimateChange). I take the view that droughts are disasters as well, less manifest -since the number of direct fatalities is less- but equally urgent. The vast consequences for the development of areas receive far too little attention in reports, newspapers, on TV and from political leaders. Subsurface storage of fresh water can contribute to improved water management. Is this difficult? No, it is simple, sustainable, solid, safe. If you want to know how artificial recharge can stop depletion of groundwater aquifers, take a look at this video.

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