Documentación técnicaGrupo Tragsa y MAR

MIR and MAR. MONITORED AND INTENTIONAL RECHARGE (MIR). Tragsa article published in the Journal Water (in English)

The article developing the MIR concept: MONITORED AND INTENTIONAL RECHARGE (MIR), has been published in the Journal Water.

The concept was first presented at ISMAR 11, Long Beach, April 16th, and we humbly ask (again) the MAR community to kindly accept this term, already proposed to Peruvian and Niger regulations on IWRM.

We hope this procedure will be taken into account for future European Directives on Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR).

MIR is a nine-step procedure to draft guidelines or regulations for MAR based upon 22 previous documents on MAR guidelining. If you wish to know more, please, have a look!

Access the article: Monitored and Intentional Recharge (MIR): A Model for Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) Guideline and Regulation Formulation.

Water Special issue of ISMAR 11 conference:


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