La red de proyectos relacionados con recarga gestionada puestos en comunicación con motivo de la presentación de la candidatura del ISMAR10 ha tenido dos nuevas incorporaciones.
De algún modo, a través de la red de trabajo e intercambio de información, la técnica MAR está organizada a nivel europeo.
Recent outputs from the EU MAR Projects:
At least 15 projects have been identified supported by the EU related to MAR in some extent, including 2 EIP Water Action Groups
All of them have been interconnected in a network created to support ISMAR 10.
Communication between coordinators, with capacity to reach (directly) more than 200 institutions related to MAR EU projects involve partners from Israel, Peru, Brazil, Algeria, Tunisia (and other several MENA countries)…
2016: Two courses on MAR in developing countries: Tunisia and Bolivia.