(scroll down for the English versión)
Recientemente hemos recibido el visto bueno por parte de la Ejecutiva de la Asociación internacional de Hidrogeólogos (IAH) y de los coordinadores de su Comisión de Recarga Gestionada (IAH MAR Commission) para la creación de un nuevo Grupo de Trabajo que, unido a los cinco ya existentes y otro de inminente creación, aborde necesidades detectadas sobre la gestión hídrica en la actualidad.
El Grupo de trabajo se ha denominado "MAR to MARKET"; y su principal objetivo es estudiar cómo involucrar a distintas ramas del tejido industrial con una relación más o menos directa con la gestión de los recursos hídricos y, por extensión, con la técnica de la recarga gestionada o MAR (Managed Aquifer Recharge).
Para ello se han detectado y clasificado nueve tipos de industria, cuyo común denominador es su “hidrodependencia”. Las pretensiones están encaminadas a implementar tantos casos como sea posible a partir de la experiencia en los lugares demostrativos ya en funcionamiento a través del proyecto europeo MARSOL (FP7), del Grupo de Acción del mismo nombre de la EIP del agua y de los distintos participantes que esperamos se vinculen a este grupo.
El Grupo de trabajo contempla además evaluar el impacto de la huella hídrica, tanto en el proceso de producción como en la cadena de suministro, de estas actividades.
El grupo estará co-coordinado por Tragsa, España, a través de Enrique Fdez. Escalante, y de Teresa E. Leitão, LNEC, Portugal, a quienes deberán dirigirse en caso de que deseen participar. Por tanto, el grupo está abierto e invitamos a todos los técnicos interesados a vincularse al mismo.

Adjuntamos la memoria presentada a la AIH solicitando permiso para su constitución oficial, el enlace al Grupo de Acción de la EIP del Agua con el que estará directamente relacionado durante su actividad, y el proyecto MAR-SOL(utions) con el que conectará a través de sus demo-sites.
Se ha solicitado la celebración de una sesión monotemática “MAR to MARK€T” en el próximo congreso internacional de recarga gestionada (ISMAR 9), que será celebrado en la ciudad de México en la primavera de 2016.Inicialmente la organización mexicana ha mostrado una alta receptividad ante esta propuesta.
Es previsible que los resultados del Grupo de Trabajo tengan una alta visibilidad a través del Action Group ya operativo, de manera obligatoria; y este incipiente Grupo de trabajo (de manera necesaria). Comenzamos.
Acceso a la memoria técnica (en inglés “no nativo”). submission_MAR to MARket-IAH-MAR-WG-v3.pdf (299,27 kb)
Noticia relacionada (DINA-MAR)
Más información sobre el action group en el EIP Water Newsletter, Special announcement, 27. March 2014
Cualquier comentario será bien recibido
A new working Group Within the IAH MAR Commission called “MAR to MARket” has just been approved. Lets get down to work.
Recently, the creation of a new Working Group within the IAH MAR Commission has been requested to the IAH Executive and IAH-MAR coordinators, with the aim to study some necessities related to current water management. This new WG is already approved to join those already existing and another one which is about to start.
The WG is called "MAR to MARKET". Its main target is to study how to involve different branches of the industry in MAR technique, initially classified by nine typologies with the common factor of being “hydro-dependent”; and implement as many examples as possible using the demo sites of the new MAR-SOL(utions) project and those to be incorporated in the future by the new members.
The WG also takes into account the blue print or water footprint, either in the production process as in the distribution change.
This WG will be co-coordinated by Tragsa Spain by means of Enrique Fdez. Escalante and LNEC Portugal by means of Teresa E. Leitão. Please, we cordially invite you to join us and propose new demo-sites.
This WG will be very related to the action group number 14th, recently approved by the European Commission, which is coordinated by João Paulo Lobo-Ferreira, also from LNEC Lisbon, with the close help of Tragsa Madrid too (in EIP Water Newsletter, Special announcement, 27. March 2014).
Access to the memory-application requesting the official creation for this WG. (Please, take into account it is written in no-native English).
Related post (DINA-MAR)
Visible results are ensured along this period, due to the activity in the AG (compulsory) and the one in the WG (necessary).
Coordinator have requested ISMAR 9 Mexican organizers to include a specific session for MAR to MARKET activities in next ISMAR to be hold in Mexico City, 2016 May.
We include a brief text of the application explaining the expected challenges and goals:
"The major questions to be addressed by the Working Group “MAR to MARK€t” are to support knowledge for "Industry to understand that much of their future is linked to groundwater by means of increasing their awareness across adapted dissemination techniques". Some challenging lines of the action are:
· Water efficiency linked to a bigger productivity and savings in water supply and energy costs (the demand for water is increasing currently).
· Guarantee for sustainability and permanence even at water scarcity situations.
· Water quality improvement through Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) technologies.
· MAR technique as a "Market opportunity" for market drivers and applications.
· Lower “Blue print” or “water foot-print” and smaller impacts in the aquifers which content is going to other places as virtual water.
· Huge potential to convert MAR into job opportunity creation.
· Strengthen cooperation with international organisms, as UNESCO, World Bank, FAO, Red Cross…
· Demo sites to show the suitability of MAR technique. Sequential actions involving, firstly, related industrial sectors of high visibility at an international level.
· Hydro-economic modelling (combines factors hydro (geo) logical, structural, institutional and economic to simulate the evolution of the value of water in space and time).
We get down to work. Please, comments will be very well come.
More info / más información (posters):
1-MARTOMARKET-proposal summary:1-MARTOMARKET-proposal.pdf (1,77 mb)
2-MARTOMARKET-branches: 2-MARTOMARKET-branches.pdf (1,18 mb)