The Junior Research Group INOWAS of TU Dresden organized between 4-9 September 2016 the first INOWAS Summer School on Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR). The summer school was attended by 26 participants from 18 countries. During one week, the participants have got familiar with different MAR techniques and were guided through different steps in planning, operation and optimization of MAR schemes. The curriculum of the summer school was structured on three sections that follow the main steps in planning, operation and maintenance of MAR schemes. The content was presented in form of lecture notes, practical exercises, lab and test-field investigations, as well as computer-aided (geospatial and model-based) simulations.
Although not being able to cover all aspects in detail, the program offered a general overview on managed aquifer recharge that begins with the introduction to the MAR approach, including the characterization of main governing processes and their relevant parameters. The planning of MAR schemes starts with the decisional workflow in selecting the proper method and suitable location, followed by computer-aided simulation and analysis of different implementation scenarios. The MAR implementation was reflected in a role play exercise and a visit to a MAR project. A short summary and photos from the summer school can be found under: