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Advanced Study Course for Young Scientists on "Managed Aquifer Recharge: Water Quality and Reactive Modeling"


On behalf of MARSOL project´s coordinator and the Spanish organizers, we have the pleasure to announce the MARSOL Advanced Study Course for Young Scientists on "Managed Aquifer Recharge: Water Quality and Reactive Modeling"


The MARSOL project is pleased to announce an International Advanced Study Course (ASC) on Managed Aquifer Recharge with a focus on specific water quality issues (such as organic micropollutants) and reactive modeling techniques, to take place in Barcelona, Spain, November 2016 from 7 to 9th.



Lecturers will be experts from different project partners and members of the project's External Advisory Panel.


The A.S.C. is intended for graduate and post-graduate students, PhD students, and postdocs in the fields of geosciences, water research, environmental research, or related areas; it is also directed at professionals aiming at improving or broadening their qualification.


A certificate of participation will be issued at the end of the course.

Participation in the course is free of charge but not the travel expenses.


Details on the course can be found at (external link to MARSOL website):


More info (external link to MARSOL website):






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