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MARSOLut ETN. Workshop 2 – Hydrogeochemistry (Darmstadt, Germany, 2019 Dec 4th to 6th)


The second MARSoluT training workshop was held from 04 to 06 December 2019 at the Institute of Applied Geosciences of TU Darmstadt, Germany, in close succession to the first workshop.


The scientific focus of this second workshop was laid on hydrochemical topics, specifically on an introduction to hydrogeochemistry and emerging pollutants, and to hydrogeochemical modelling using the PHREEQC software (including practical exercises). A guest lecture was given on the intriguing topic of Environmental Forensics based on compound-specific stable isotope analysis (CSI analysis). In addition, the research fellows were introduced to the concepts of Research Management and Career Development Plans. Further, as a general professional skill, a course and exercise on Time Management for PhD students was held by an external lecturer.


The workshop was supplemented by a half-day field visit to a modern water supply and MAR facility near the river Rhine. During the workshop, the fellows were given the opportunity to deepen their cooperation, not least in the “ESRs forum”, a time slot reserved for a fellows-only meeting where they had internal discussions on topics such as, inter alia, i) getting organised as a group, ii) finding synergies, iii) role of the ESRs in the Supervisory Board, etc.



The MARSoluT group visiting the water treatment plant in Biebesheim, Germany (photo: Wefer-Roehl).



MARSoluT - Managed Aquifer Recharge Solutions Training Network - is a four-year Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Innovative Training Network (ITN) funded by the European Commission.


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