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Managing Water Use in Scarce Environments. Publicación de ARUP para su descarga directa


Gerd Cachandt nos informa de una publicación disponible gratuitamente en Internet  titulada “Managing Water Use in Scarce Environments”:

Please find attached a link to a recent report that Arup prepared for 2030 WRG, which includes a catalogue of more than 40 water supply & demand management schemes from around the world. Although details are very high level, and only 2-3 MAR schemes are included, it could provide some interesting background & discussion. Most interestingly it provides an NPV cost per unit of volumetric impact – data that is difficult to find elsewhere. The reliability of the costs is variable, but are indicated and are the results of searching through 100’s of similar schemes for reliable data.

Since its inception five years ago, the 2030 Water Resources Group has been working to resolve the world’s water scarcity problem. One of our main goals is to bring practical analysis to the limelight to help address the problem – always in collaboration with strategic partners and water experts.In collaboration with Ove Arup, we scoured the globe for solutions to the water scarcity problem and put together 42 case studies you can learn from. They cover a wide range of common water scarcity problems, as well as their proven solutions.

Descarga de la publicación:

2030 WRG Managing water scarcity catalogue web


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