Tras la reciente inclusion de un Nuevo artículo, ya son cuatro los publicados en “open access” en este número especial del Journal “Water”, titulado:
"Policy and Economics of Managed Aquifer Recharge and Water Banking"
El número especial tiene dos editores invitados, Prof. Dr. Sharon B. Megdal y el Dr. Peter Dillon.
El texto completo de los artículos puede ser descargado del link.
Se ha establecido una fecha final para el envío de manuscritos, el 1 de septiembre de 2014.
Acceso al Journal:

Special Issue Information
Dear Colleagues,
Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) and water banking is a growing field of endeavor in water resources management. It is used to buffer against drought, changing climate and demand growth by making use of excess surface water supplies and recycled waters. Institutions that perform the necessary permitting and monitoring are required so that a region’s groundwater quantity and/or quality management can be furthered through MAR. While several jurisdictions have frameworks in place, many do not. Lack of an enabling policy and governance frameworks limits the realization of MAR benefits. Limited analysis of the economics of MAR has also inhibited development of and investment in MAR programs. This special edition of the ‘Water’ Journal is designed to fill the analysis void by including papers on the policy and economics of MAR and water banking. The information and analyses are intended to contribute to the development and implementation of effective MAR programs.
Prof. Dr. Sharon B. Megdal
Dr. Peter Dillon
Guest Editors