
IAH MAR Commission Newsletter. Boletín de noticias sobre MAR. 2022 Junio (en inglés)

IAH MAR Commission Newsletter. Boletín de noticias sobre MAR. 2022 Junio

The most recent pieces of news on Managed Aquifer Recharge


  • 11st International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge, ISMAR 11. ORGANIZERS WILL SEND THE PRESENTATIONS AND ABSTRACTS SHORTLY!
  • Managed Aquifer Recharge. A key to sustainability. Journal Water special issue. Call for papers!
  • Managed Aquifer Recharge: Overview and Governance
  • The water report. Managed Aquifer Recharge (2022 June edition).
  • 49th IAH Congress. Wuhan, China. 2022 September 18th to 23th
  • 6-Day MAR course organized by UNAM, Mexico City, 2022 June 6th-10th + 17th, has finished successfully
  • UN-Water Summit on groundwater. Paris, 7 and 8 December 2022
  • MARSOLut Marie S-Curie project. Malta training workshop 4.
  • Future of Managed Aquifer Recharge in the United States.
  • 2022 World Water Week in Stockholm, Aug 23 - Sept 1
  • Webinar about drilling and constructive differences between water supply and MAR wells (in Spanish)
  • Another drop of nostalgia
  • Whatsapp group on Aquifer Recharge Management
  • Previous IAH-MAR Newsletters
  • IAH-MAR Commission on social networks
  • IAH-MAR Commission´s sister sites

IAH-MAR-Jun-2022-newsletter.pdf (2,07 mb)

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