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Nuevo libro sobre MAR: Managing Aquifer Recharge: A Showcase for Resilience and Sustainability (en inglés)

La esperada publicación de la UNESCO y de la AIH acaba de ser oficialmente publicado:

Zheng, Y., Ross, A., Villholth, K and Dillon, P. (eds) (2021) Managing Aquifer Recharge: A Showcase for Resilience and Sustainability. UNESCO-IAH Publication.

This is a 379 page 30MB book provides accounts of 28 MAR schemes from around the world by the implementers and operators. Many schemes are long-lived, demonstrating success in improving quantity and quality of water supplies and buffering them against drought and emergencies by communities from village to state, and trans-boundary level. A benefit-cost analysis shows that MAR offers a 50% reduction in costs compared to the best alternatives. When evaluated for its environmental and social sustainability using a basic qualitative technique specifically developed for this book, most schemes are found to be sustainable.




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