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NEW- Workshop: Boosting Managed Aquifer Recharge in Europe. EIP Water. Presentations and Summary / Resumen y presentaciones

Boosting Managed Aquifer Recharge in Europe ha sido el nombre del workshop celebrado el 9 de febrero de 2016 en el Campus del Agua de Leeuwarden. Organizado por el Action Group MAR to MAR-k€t durante la EIP Water Conference de 2016, ha contado con la representación de varios coordinadores de proyectos europeos relacionados con la técnica MAR de Portugal, España, Países Bajos, Bélgica, Italia, Austria, Suiza y Alemania.

 A término del workshop se ha redactado un resumen del mismo (al pié del post).

 Cabe destacar además la redacción de la llamada "Declaración de Leeuwarden" (en inglés) relativa a las líneas de innovación para la Unión europea en un horizonte temporal cercano.

 Las presentaciones expuestas durante la jornada se encuentran también al pié del post.

En este mismo workshop se informó a la EIP del agua de la reciente creación de una red de intercambio de información entre 14 coordinadores de proyectos europeos relacionados con la técnica MAR y dos action Group:



"Boosting Managed Aquifer Recharge in Europe" has been the name of the workshop held February 9, 2016 at the Campus of the water in Leeuwarden, The Netherlands. Organized by the Action Group MAR to MAR-k€t during the 2016 EIP Water Conference, it has counted on the representation of several coordinators of European projects related to MAR technique from Portugal, Spain, Netherlands, Belgium, Italy, Switzerland, Austria and Germany.


At end of the workshop has been drafted a summary of it.


Note: It is also remarkable the “Declaration of Leeuwarden” on the lines of innovation for the European Union in a near time horizon.  

Most of the presentations exposed during the day are at the foot of the post.


In this same workshop organizers informed the EIP Water of the recent creation of a Pan-European Network for the exchange of information among 14 European projects related to MAR technology directly or collaterally and two action Group Coordinators.

AGENDA: Access to the agenda (pdf) 0-MtoM_Agenda_annual meeting_2.pdf (125,13 kb)




1-Action Group annual reporting 2015 + Algarve Demo site & MARSOL Water Quality Workshop wrap-up. By Joao Paulo Lobo Ferreira, LNEC, Portugal 1-jplf-MARSOL_Workshop_Algarve DEMO_TL et alx.pdf (2,00 mb)

 2-MAR to MAR-k€t. Industries “MAR water dependent” at Los Arenales aquifer, before and now, by  Enrique Fernández Escalante & María Villanueva Lago, TRAGSA, Spain  2-eip-tragsa-Escalante-Villanueva.pdf (1,14 mb)

 3-Managed Aquifer Recharge in Italy: present and prospects. By Rudy Rossetto. Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Italy 3-rossetto_maritaly_EIP_2016_v1.pdf (1,39 mb)

 4-On Flanders (Belgium) expertise of researchers and farmers interaction regarding actions to minimize the nutrient leakage towards surface water. Joris De Nies, Research station for vegetables, Belgium 4-CVBB Leeuwarden2.pdf (1,21 mb)

 5-SUBSOL. Bringing coastal Subsurface Water Solutions to the market, by Klaasjan J. Raat & Gerard van den Berg. KWR, The Netherlands 5-SUBSOL EIP Water Mar2Market_20150209.pdf (1,07 mb)

 6-El Port de la Selva. Indirect potable reuse at small scale using MAR, by Ulf Miehe. Kompetenz Zentrum Wasser Berlin, Germany 6-160209_ElPort_Leeuwarden_Miehe.pdf (860,39 kb)

 7-Sharing data on Managed Aquifer Recharge -MAR portal, by Daniela Benedicto van Dalen. IGRAC, The Netherlands 7-20160209_EIP_MarToMarket_IGRAC.pdf (1,03 mb)


 SUMMARY: Access to the summary (pdf) 8-MtoM-summary_EIPFeb2016_all.pdf (391,55 kb)


 EIP Water Conference on 10 February 2016 in Leeuwarden (EXTERNAL LINK)

 Access to the statement: The Leeuwarden Declaration: Why and how to drive water innovation in Europe


MAR to MAR-k€t Steering Group, L>R: Daniela Benedicto, IGRAC; E.F. Escalante, TRAGSA; J.P. Lobo, LNEC and Rudy Rosetto (ES Santa Anna).


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