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CALL FOR PAPERS. ISMAR 11. Post-conference Journal, Water special issue (MDPI) (in English)

Selected papers presented at ISMAR 11 will be published in a Special Issue of the open-access journal WATER, continuing the tradition from previous symposia, including ISMAR 10. Submission is open for all ISMAR 11 participants, as well as all members of the international MAR community.

The title of the special issue is: “Managed Aquifer Recharge: A key to Sustainability” and the included papers will be available in electronic format and as part of a printed book.

Several vouchers are available as waivers or discounts on article processing charges (APCs). Qualifying manuscripts will be selected by the guest editors.

The Special Issue is already open for contributions. For more details visit:

Guest editors:

Enrique Fernández Escalante (Spain)

Catalin Stefan (Germany)

Christopher J. Brown (USA)

June Mirecki (USA)




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