
IAH MAR Commission Newsletter. Boletín de noticias sobre MAR. 2022 April

The most recent pieces of news on Managed Aquifer Recharge:


11st International Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge, ISMAR 11. GREAT SUCCESS!!!

IAH-MAR Commission plenary during ISMAR 11. Re-election of the co-chairs.

ISMAR 12 hosting city…

Dr. Peter Dillon has been awarded with the German Bouwer trophy

IAH-MAR Commission. ISMAR 11´s Certificates of appreciation

Managed Aquifer Recharge. A key to sustainability. Journal Water special issue. Call for papers

Celebration of World Water Day 2022. Final UNESCO publication. Groundwater. Making the invisible visible

The Groundwater Project publications

A California-European Union-Australia Workshop. SGMA Implementation, Economic Issues, Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Comparison and Lessons Learned from European Union and Australia

49th IAH Congress. Wuhan, China. 2022 September 18th to 23th

How can agriculture activities contribute to climate resilience and adaptation

Enhancing groundwater knowledge across the GEF IW portfolio

EU-China Groundwater Management Webinar to be held as 2 sessions on 17th May and 19th May

2022 World Water Week in Stockholm, Aug 23 - Sept 1

EEGS / AEG / ASRS 2022 Symposium on “Life of Mine – Maintaining Sustainability Through Geoscience”, 2022 November 14-17th

Another drop of nostalgia

Whatsapp group on Aquifer Recharge Management

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IAH-MAR-April-2022-newsletter.pdf (2,32 mb)




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