Información reciente para recargadores.
The most recent pieces of news on Managed Aquifer Recharge
- 11stInternational Symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge. Materials
- Managed Aquifer Recharge. A key to sustainability. Journal Water special issue. Deadline almost here!
- New World Bank book on MAR. “What the future has in store. A new-paradigm for water storage”
- New book on Water Harvesting
- The new issue of HydroVisions is here!
- Ya está disponible la edición n° 23 de la revista Vertiente de Alhsud Chile (in Spanish)
- The water Project. New outcome: Stable Isotope Hydrology
- IWRA´s Policy Brief on Water Security
- Olive Oil Times. Groundwater Resources Recharge Faster than Estimated
- NGWA MAR conference.
- UNESCO-IWRA conference: Emerging Pollutants: Protecting Water Quality for the Health of People and the Environment. 2023 January 17th– 19th. RESULTS
- 5 International Summer School on Managed Aquifer Recharge, MARISS, from 3 July to 14 July 2023
- UN 2023 water Conference. 22 to 24 March 2023
- XVIII World Water Congress. 11–15 September 2023. Beijing. Call for abstracts still open
- The 21st Century Water Quality Challenges for Managed Aquifer Recharge
- Reflections: Thoughts at the Start of 2023 About Pathways to Water Solutions
- New dissertation on MAR. water quality changes and well clogging during Agricultural Aquifer Storage and Recovery
- New section at IAH-MAR Commission website. Certificates of appreciation.
- New River Basin Plan in Spain. Tercer ciclo de planificación (in Spanish).
- Whatsapp group on Aquifer Recharge Management
- Previous IAH-MAR Newsletters and IAH-MAR Commission on Twitter
- IAH-MAR Commission´s sister Web sites
- Linked in groups on MAR
Previous IAH-MAR Newsletters collection:
IAH-MAR-Jan-Feb-2023-newsletter.pdf (2,03 mb)
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