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MAR to MAR-k€t WG. ANNUAL REPORT 2016 (in English)

This annual report summarizes most of the activities accomplished along 2016 with a direct or indirect intervention of MAR to MAR-k€t WG, 5th group of the IAH MAR Commission.


It is worth to mention the close relation of this WG with MAR(solutions) EIP Water Action Group, MARSOL and DINA-MAR projects plus ISMAR 10 conference organizers.


There are more than 40 partners involved by means of letters of support, and, although only a few of them have been received along 2016, some important groups have adhered from Korea, Tunisia and Peru, enlarging the international scope of the WG.


Summary of activities 2016: martomarket-dinamar-marsol-2016_EFE-v3.pdf (1,62 mb)



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