MARSOL training workshop: Advanced monitoring and investigation technologies for MAR. PRESENTACIONES
Entre los días 16 y 18 de marzo de 2016 ha tenido lugar en Lavrion, Grecia el Training workshop del proyecto MARSOL: “Investigation and monitoring techniques in MAR”.
El evento ha contado con 21 ponencias de los socios del proyecto que lideran los ocho demo sites implicados, además de expertos externos y diversos agentes griegos relacionados con las ramas de la metalurgia, hidrogeología, geofísica, TICs, instrumentación, etc.
Se ha demostrado la eficiencia de varias tecnologías tales como el direct push, los wireless sensors, tecnologías de dominio en el tiempo y frecuencia, parámetros de gestión basados en ICT, smart sensors, etc.
El evento ha contado con 65 asistentes inscritos procedentes de un record de países (ha habido más de 20 países representados de los cinco continentes) más una población flotante para sesiones concretas.
Los organizadores han diseñado un libreto divulgativo titulado “Advanced monitoring and investigation technologies for Managed aquifer Recharge”, disponible para su consulta aquí.
MARSOL training workshop: Advanced monitoring and investigation technologies for MAR. PRESENTATIONS
Between 16 and 18 March 2016 has taken place in Lavrion, Greece, the Training workshop of the MARSOL project: "Investigation and monitoring techniques for Managed Aquifer Recharge".
The event has had 21 presentations of the project partners who lead the eight demo sites involved, as well as external experts and various Greek and German agents related to the branches of metallurgy, hydrogeology, geophysics, ICT, instrumentation, etc.
The workshop has included expositions of the efficiency of various monitoring technologies such as direct push, wireless sensors, time and frequency domain technologies, management parameters based on ICT, smart sensors, etc. UFZ Company also brought from Germany a full investigation and drilling truck with plenty of different systems and equipment.
The event has had 65 registered attendees from a record number of countries (there have been more than 20 countries represented from the five continents) plus a floating attendance for specific sessions.
The organizers have designed an informative booklet "Advanced monitoring and investigation technologies for Managed aquifer Recharge", available in pdf fomat.
Booklet/Libreto: "Advanced monitoring and investigation technologies for Managed aquifer Recharge" WP11-workshop_Leaflet.pdf (2,43 mb)
Access to the programme/Acceso al programa 0. Programme.pdf (602,57 kb)
Acceso a las presentaciones (en inglés)/Access to the presentations (in English):
1-Welcome address by Assimakis Chadoumelis (Site Manager LTCP) 1. Chadoumelis.pdf (696,61 kb)
2-Overview of MARSOL project status 2. Schueth.pdf (1,26 mb)
3-Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) technologies 3. Kallioras.pdf (3,87 mb)
4- Frequency Domain Reflectometry (FDR) technologies 4. Schmidt.pdf (1,62 mb)
5- Continuous Wave & Pulse Radar Systems 5. Uzunoglou.pdf (1,05 mb)
6-Wireless Network Systems 6. Remmler.pdf (1,30 mb)
7-DEMO Site 2: Algarve and Alentejo, South Portugal. TAHR. 7. Carvalho.pdf (2,26 mb)
8-DEMO Site 3: Los Arenales Aquifer, Castille and Leon, Spain. TRAGSA. Investigation and monitoring techniques applied at Los Arenales Aquifer 8. Escalante.pdf (1,80 mb)
9-DEMO Site 4: Llobregat River Infiltration Basins, Sant Vicenc dels Horts, Catalonia, Spain. UPC. 9. Folch.pdf (1,17 mb)
10-DEMO Site 5: River Brenta Catchment, Vicenza, Italy. SGI. 10. Furlanis.pdf (1,23 mb)
11-DEMO Site 6: Serchio River Well Field, Tuscany, Italy. Santa Anna. Monitoring system at the Sant’Alessio Induced RiverBank Filtration plant (Lucca, Italy). 11. Rossetto.pdf (2,84 mb)
12-DEMO Site 7: Menashe Infiltration Basin, Hadera, Israel. Volcani. Monitoring at Menashe Infiltration Basin Hadera, Israel. 12. Ganot.pdf (1,79 mb)
13-DEMO Site 8: South Malta Coastal Aquifer. SEWCU. 13-Schembri.pdf (548,44 kb)
14- IAH-MAR Commission info, March-16. 14-IAH-MAR Commission info-march-16.pdf (568,80 kb)
15a-New Concepts in Environmental Observation Technologies: Experiences from TERENO Terrestrial Environmental Observatories. UFZ. 15a-Dietrich.pdf (1,19 mb)
15b- Dilution video. (293,21 kb)
16-Radar Sensing Applications for Environmental Monitoring. ICCS.
17- Organic contaminants in reclaimed water: From early warning to determination. GtG S.A.
18- Modern subsurface investigation techniques. UFZ. 18-Vienken.pdf (1,55 mb)
19-Data Management Technologies. UBITECH S.A. 19-Zafeiropoulos.pdf (1,72 mb)
20-Telemetric Monitoring Stations for Water Management in Greece. ScientAct S.A. 20-Kouvas.pdf (4,18 mb)
21- Next MARSOL activities. TUDA. 21-marsol-next-schutz.pdf (651,40 kb)
22-Conclusions of the workshop. In preparation