Febrero 2020/2020 February
Proseguimos con la recopilación de aquellos libros de hidrogeología, especialmente aquellos dedicados a la técnica MAR, que se encuentran disponibles gratuitamente en Internet.
Se trata de un repositorio para que los técnicos interesados puedan reunir una biblioteca sobre MAR a la que poder acudir a resolver consultas.
El repositorio incluye una serie de vídeos y de links a páginas web que, en general, constituyen las fuentes de información y los lugares de descarga de las publicaciones.
El repositorio tiene carácter abierto y cualquier contribución será bienvenida, a través del Email dinamar@tragsa.es.
Entendemos por libro una publicación que excede las 50 páginas. Para artículos y documentos de menor extensión hay bases de datos específicas.
Agradeciendo de antemano su participación, y con el deseo de que resulte de utilidad, reciban un cordial saludo.
El equipo del proyecto DINA-MAR.
We keep gathering those books of hydrogeology specially dedicated to MAR technique which are available for free on the Internet. It's a repository for technicians and practitioners where they could meet a library to attend their inquiries.
The repository includes a series of videos and links to web pages which, in general, constitute the information sources and the sites where the publications were produced.
The repository is open to everyone and any contribution will be welcome, emailing to: dinamar@tragsa.es.
We understand for a book a publication exceeding 50 pages. There are other specific databases for articles and documents of lesser extent.
We thank in advance your participation. Wishing it will be useful for IAH MAR members and technicians receive our salutes.
The DINA-MAR team.
MAR BOOKS REPOSITORY: Updated 2020 May 17th
2002-2012, una década de recarga gestionada. Acuífero de la Cubeta de Santiuste (Castilla y León): https://dinamar.tragsa.es/pdf/IF-hh7-v34c.pdf
Aquifer recharge is being tested and used as a water management tool in the Walla Walla catchment, Oregon. The final report documents the outcomes of the pilot trial from the Hudson Bay infiltration basin test site (Bower 2010): http://wwbwc.org/images/Projects/AR/Reports/206-363_HBDICFinalReport_COMPLETE.pdf
Clogging monograph (released 2013 October) and opened to new contributions:http://goo.gl/So9AjG
DINA-MAR final book (in Spanish): /post/DINA-MAR-Publicacion-final-del-proyecto-c2a1Inminente!
Aguas residuales. El recurso desaprovechado: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0024/002476/247647S.pdf
Efecto del regadío con aguas regeneradas sobre los suelos, acuíferos y cultivos. Resultados del proyecto de I+D+I EARSAC (in Spanish): https://dinamar.tragsa.es/pdf/libro-earsac.pdf
El regadío con aguas regeneradas. Efectos sobre suelos, acuíferos y cultivos. Guía para profesionales y usuarios finales (in Spanish). https://www.ismar10.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Libro-earsac-end-users.pdf
Innovación en la Planificación y Gestión del Agua. El Grupo Tragsa y la Recarga Gestionada de Acuíferos (in Spanish). https://www.ismar10.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Recarga-Gestionada-de-Acu%C3%ADferos-Grupo-Tragsa.pdf
Artificial Recharge of Groundwater in the World. IGRAC Report.11 april 2007: https://www.un-igrac.org/download/file/fid/769
Water and Climate Change: Impacts on groundwater resources and adaptationoptions.WB 2010.Water Working notes 55027. https://bit.ly/395fprm
Drivers and barriers for successful implementation of innovative Demeau technologies (Demeau project). Deliverable: D52.1: http://goo.gl/juoIbQ
Groundwater artificial recharge based on alternative sources of water: advanced integrated technologies and management. Gabardine project.
Deliverable 31. Inventory of alternative water sources for each Test site: http://www.lnec.pt/organizacao/dha/nas/estudos_id/pdf/Gabardine_D31report_version3.pdf/view/
Deliverable 5.1. Test sites and their characteristics:http://www.lnec.pt/organization/dha/organizacao/dha/nas/estudos_id/pdf/D51report_version2_cfig.pdf
MARSOL deliverables. Demonstrating Managed Aquifer Recharge as a Solution to Water Scarcity and Drought:
5.3 Appropriate MAR methodology and tested knowhow for the general rural development: http://www.marsol.eu/files/marsol_d5-3_mar-technology_20160731.pdf
5.4 Managed Aquifer Recharge to Combat Groundwater Overexploitation at the Los Arenales Site, Castilla y León, Spain: http://www.marsol.eu/files/marsol_d5-4_arenales-final.pdf
12.1- Water budget and climate change Impact. 69 pg: http://www.marsol.eu/35-0-Results.html
12.7 White Book on MAR Modeling ‐ Selected Results from the MARSOL Project: http://www.marsol.eu/files/marsol_d12-7_white-book-on-mar-modeling.pdf
13.1- MAR Technical Solutions. Review and Bata Base.110 pg: http://www.marsol.eu/35-0-Results.html
13.3- MAR Design and Construction Criteria". 90 pg. Project deliverable, 31 October 2016; activity type: report DEM; WP 13:/post/Proyecto-MARSOL-Nueva-publicacion-sobre-criterios-constructivos-de-dispositivos-MAR-(en-ingles)
13.4 Benchmarks Evolution, Pooling and Practical Results: http://www.marsol.eu/files/marsol_d13-4_benchmarking-final-report_30112016.pdf
15.2 Economic Analysis of MAR Technologies – Report: http://www.marsol.eu/files/marsol_d15-2_economic-analysis-report_rev.pdf
17.1- Legislative Framework Review and Analysis. Francesca Capone, Matteo E. Bonfanti, SSSA. 50 pg: http://www.marsol.eu/35-0-Results.html
Feasibility of implementing managed aquifer recharge schemes for agricultural purposes: http://archive.nwc.gov.au/rnws/ngap/groundwater-projects/national-assessment-of-sites-suitable-for-managed-aquifer-recharge-and-recovery/feasibility-of-implementing-managed-aquifer-recharge-schemes-for-agricultural-purposes
Feasibility of managed aquifer recharge for agriculture: http://archive.nwc.gov.au/library/waterlines/45
Groundwater around the world: http://www.hydrology.nl/images/docs/alg/Groundwater_around_world.pdf
Guideline for assessment and implementation of Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) in (semi-)arid regions. Pre-feasibility study for infiltration of floodwater in the Amman-Zarqa and Azraq basins, Jordan. MWI, BGR, 2012: http://goo.gl/x1uhZe
Groundwater Policy and Governance. Nº.5: http://goo.gl/f4I3nH
Groundwater resources and managed aquifer recharge publications Waterlines reports Water for Australia’s arid zone – identifying and assessing Australia’s palaeovalley groundwater resources: summary report - Waterlines No 86, August 2012: http://archive.nwc.gov.au/library/topic/groundwater
Manual on Artificial Recharge of Ground Water. Central Ground Water Board, CGWB (2007): http://cgwb.gov.in/documents/Manual%20on%20Artificial%20Recharge%20of%20Ground%20Water.pdf
Optimising groundwater - MAR potential in Victoria (2016): https://www.researchgate.net/publication/311952188_Optimising_groundwater_-_MAR_potential_in_Victoria
Integrated Management of rainwater in built-up environment.In Spanish and in English:
English: /pdf/GIAE English.pdf
Spanish: La gestión integral del agua de lluvia en entornos edificados. http://www.tragsa.es/es/Lists/Publicaciones/attachments/47/La%20Gesti%C3%B3n%20Integral% ***
New edition in Spanish: La gestión integral del agua de lluvia en entornos humanizados. Cuaderno tecnológico https://bit.ly/2uDJteD ***
ISMAR 5 proceedingsbook: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0014/001492/149210e.pdf
ISMAR 6 proceedings book:/pdf/AquiferRecharge_ISMAR6.pdf
ISMAR 7 proceedings book. Achieving Groundwater Supply Sustainability & Reliability Through Managed Aquifer Recharge:/pdf/ismar7-proceedingsbook.pdf
ISMAR 10 proceedings book. Managed Aquifer Recharge: Local solutions to the global water crisis:/pdf/P-ISMAR-10.pdf
Aquifer storage and recovery. Future directions for South Australia:http://webdoc.sub.gwdg.de/ebook/serien/ud/DWLBC/DWLBC2002_04.pdf
MAR and urban stormwater: http://archive.nwc.gov.au/rnws/urban/mar-and-urban-stormwater
Managed aquifer recharge: http://archive.nwc.gov.au/urban/supply/mar
A Water Quality Guide to MAR in India-2014: https://recharge.iah.org/files/2016/11/A-Water-Quality-Guide-to-MAR-in-India-2014.pdf
Managed aquifer recharge: An introduction Waterlines report No 13 - February 2009. CSIRO under its Water for a Healthy Country Flagship program: http://archive.nwc.gov.au/library/waterlines/13
Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR) as a Tool for Managing Water Quality and Quantity Issues: http://ecan.govt.nz/publications/Plans/hinds-subregional-planning-mar.pdf/
Managed and Natural Aquifer Recharge Geophysics. FastTIMES. Volume 24, Number 2, 2019 (July): https://www.eegs.org/latest-issue
Hinks/Hekeao Plains Technical overview-Subregional Plan Development Process. Golder, 114 pg:http://ecan.govt.nz/publications/Plans/hinds-tech-overview.pdf
Managed aquifer recharge-examples of success. Including Australia National Standards: Australia has established a number of regulatory policy and feasibility tools to support the safe and economical implementation of MAR throughout Australia. CSIRO National Flagship Programme:http://www.bebuffered.com/downloads/Action%20Research%20Worshop%2024%20Feb%202011%20Dillon%20CSIRO_LQ.pdf
Australian Guidelines for Water Recycling: Managing Health and Environmental Risks (Phase 2) - managed aquifer recharge (July 2009): https://www.waterquality.gov.au/media/89
Management of aquifer recharge / discharge processes and aquifer equilibrium states. No.4: http://goo.gl/6dXOrJ
Management of Aquifer Recharge and Subsurface Storage (link restored):http://www.hydrology.nl/images/docs/iah/publications/4_Management_of_Aquifer_Recharge_and_Subsurface_Storage.pdf
Manejo de la recarga de acuíferos: un enfoque hacia Latinoamérica 2017: https://www.imta.gob.mx/biblioteca/libros_html/manejo-recarga-acuiferos-ehl.pdf
P-ISMAR series: Posters from the last five International symposium on Managed Aquifer Recharge (P-ISMAR):
P-ISAR 4: /private/p-ismar9/pismar4v1b.zip
P-ISMAR 5: /private/p-ismar9/pismar5v3b.zip
P-ISMAR 6: /private/p-ismar9/pismar6v1b.zip
P-ISMAR 7: /private/ismar/pis-mar7-v8.pdf
P-ISMAR 8: /pdf/P-ISMAR%208-v14.pdf
P-ISMAR 9: /pdf/P-ISMAR%209-v6.pdf
P-ISMAR 10: https://www.ismar10.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/P-ISMAR-10-v2.pdf
Using Isotopes for Design and Monitoring of Artificial Recharge Systems. IAEA tecdoc series.TECDOC No. 1723.International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 2013:http://www-naweb.iaea.org/napc/ih/documents/TECDOCS/TECDOC%201723%20Using%20Isotopes%20for%20Design%20and%20Monitoring%20of%20Artificial%20Recharge%20Systems.pdf
Pre-feasibility assessment of managed aquifer recharge in the Botany aquifer Pre-feasibility assessment of managed aquifer recharge in the Botany aquifer November 2006: http://archive.nwc.gov.au/library/publications-by-topic/groundwater/pre-feasibility-assessment-of-managed-aquifer-recharge-in-the-botany-aquifer
Preliminary feasibility assessment planning studies for managed aquifer recharge in urban cities: http://archive.nwc.gov.au/rnws/ngap/groundwater-projects/national-assessment-of-sites-suitable-for-managed-aquifer-recharge-and-recovery/preliminary-feasibility-assessment-planning-studies-for-managed-aquifer-recharge-in-urban-cities
Progress in managed aquifer recharge in Australia.SKM-CSIRO. Waterlines report No 73 - March 2012:http://archive.nwc.gov.au/library/waterlines/73
Rechargeable sustainability. The key is the storage" / “Sostenibilidad recargable. La llave en el almacén”: (in English and Spanish) http://goo.gl/WPK5Aj
Robust policy design for managed aquifer recharge Waterlines report no 38 - January 2011: http://archive.nwc.gov.au/library/waterlines/38
Strategies for MAR in semi-arid areas (in English).Ian Gale (Ed), UNESCO:
https://recharge.iah.org/files/2017/01/Gale-Strategies-for-MAR-in-semiarid-areas.pdf andhttps://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000143819
and in Spanish: Estrategias para la Gestión de Acuíferos (GRA) en zonas semiáridas: https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000143819_spa
ASR - UK: Elucidating the hydrogeological issues associated with aquifer storage and recovery in the UK: http://nora.nerc.ac.uk/512266/1/CR_02_156N.pdf
Las ciencias ancestrales como mecanismo de adaptación al cambio climático. (inSpanish). Ing. Gonzaga Ayala et al. Bolivia 2015: las ciencias ancestrales_completo.pdf (2,06 mb)
Las amunas de Huarochirí. Recarga de acuíferos en los Andes. D. Apaza et al, Perú, 2006. Ppt resumen del libro (in Spanish): http://www.labor.org.pe/webermisa/1foro_docs/Dimas%20Apaza-Recarga%20artificial%20de%20acuiferos%20en%20los%20andes.PDF
Potable Reuse Research Compilation: Synthesis of Findings: http://www.asersagua.es/Asersa/Documentos/WRRF%20-15-01%20FINAL%20REPORT%20web.pdf
White paper: FLOOD-MAR Using Flood Water for Managed Aquifer Recharge to Support Sustainable Water Resources:https://water.ca.gov/Programs/All-Programs/Flood-MAR
Diagnóstico de metodología para la presentación y análisis de proyectos de recarga artificial de acuíferos. Informe final. AMPHOS 21. Santiago, Diciembre 2014: http://documentos.dga.cl/Informe_Final_Empaste_%20RA_v0.pdf
Annotated bibliography on artificial recharge of ground water through 1954. Water Supply Paper 1477: https://pubs.usgs.gov/wsp/1477/report.pdf
Annotated bibliography on artificial recharge of ground water, 1955-67: https://pubs.usgs.gov/wsp/1990/report.pdf
Artificial recharge in Oregon and Washington, 1962: https://pubs.usgs.gov/wsp/1594c/report.pdf
Evolving Issues and Practices in managing Ground-Water Resources. Case studies on the Role of Science. Circular 1247 USGS.83 pg:https://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/2003/circ1247/pdf/Circ1247.pdf
Sustainable Groundwater Development: The United States Geological survey wrote a seminal paper on sustainable groundwater management (1999): http://pubs.usgs.gov/circ/circ1186/pdf/circ1186.pdf
U.S. Geological Survey Artificial Recharge Workshop Proceedings, April 2-4, 2002, Sacramento, California: http://water.usgs.gov/ogw/pubs/ofr0289/ofr0289.pdf
Aquifer Storage and Recovery Pilot Test at Sonoma Test Well #6A. Technical Report:
Uso seguro de aguas residuales en la agricultura: ejemplos de buenas practicas:http://collections.unu.edu/eserv/UNU:5957/SafeUseOfWastewaterInAgriculture_ESP.pdf
Survey of conjunctive use and artificial recharge activity in the United States (1984):
Farmington Groundwater Recharge Demonstration Project. Site #1 – SJAFCA Detention Basin #1 San Joaquin County, California (2003):
Prospects for Managed Underground Storage of Recoverable
Water (2008): https://www.nap.edu/download/12057 (log in required)
Conjunctive Management and Groundwater Storage: https://water.ca.gov/-/media/DWR-Website/Web-Pages/Programs/California-Water-Plan/Docs/RMS/2016/08_ConjMgt_GW_Storage_July2016.pdf
Review of the Everglades Aquifer Storage and Recovery Regional Study (2015): https://www.nap.edu/catalog/21724/review-of-the-everglades-aquifer-storage-and-recovery-regional-study
Recarga artificial de acuíferos en cuencas fluviales. Aspectos cualitativos y medioambientales: Criterios técnicos derivados de la experiencia en la Cubeta de Santiuste (Segovia). Fernández Escalante, Enrique (in Spanish):http://eprints.ucm.es/7154/
Recarga artificial de acuíferos mediante pozos de infiltración. Cortez Salvo, Freddy Javier (in Spanish): http://repositorio.uchile.cl/handle/2250/112265
Tapping into underground water solutions. Related information: http://archive.nwc.gov.au/media/commission/2009/tapping-into-underground-water-solutions
Increasing freshwater recovery upon aquifer storage. Zuurbier, K.G. (English): http://www.subsol.org/uploads/deliverables/LR-Thesis_KoenZuurbier.pdf
Risk Assessment and Risk Management in Managed Aquifer Recharge and Recycled Water Reuse: The Case of Sabadell. Neus Ayuso:
Water recycling(NEPC): http://archive.nwc.gov.au/rnws/urban/water-recycling
A check list…
AR booklet:
BSMAR proceedings books:
CGIAR books:
IWMI, Managed Aquifer Recharge. The solution for water shortages in the Fergana Valley: http://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/Publications/IWMI_Research_Reports/PDF/PUB151/RR151.pdf
GRIPP: Integrated Groundwater Management: http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-23576-9
LNEC Portugal papers and deliverables:
Prior Symposia Proceedings:
11th BSMAR 2003 Symposium Proceedings
10th BSMAR 2001 Artificial Recharge and Integrated Water Management
9th BSMAR 1999 Artificial Recharge and Integrated Water Management
8th BSMAR 1997 Recharge for the People
7th BSMAR 1995 The Role of Recharge in Integrated Water Management
6th BSMAR 1993 Purpose, Problems and Progress
5th BSMAR 1990 Challenges of the 1990s
Recarga-y-gestion-de-embalses-subterráneos/ Recharge and management of underground dams.Revista Vertiente Chile. nº 13. Monográfico sobre recarga artificial (in Spanish):https://alhsudchile.files.wordpress.com/2012/12/revista-vertiente_edicic3b3n-2012.pdf
Monitoreo y gestión del agua. Revista Vertiente, edición nº 14 de Octubre de 2013:https://alhsudchile.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/revista-vertiente-2013-edicic3b3n-14.pdf
ISMAR 5. 2005. Abstract book: ISMAR 5 2005: Abstracts Book
ISMAR 10. 2019. Abstract book: https://www.ismar10.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/05/ISMAR-PROGRAM-BOOK-COLOR_A4.pdf
Health risks in aquifer recharge using reclaimed water - State of the art report (WSH). Edited by R. Aertgeerts and A. Angelakis:http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/wastewater/wsh0308/en/
Natural Recharge of Groundwater 2000
Adelaide Plains groundwater study: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fTxMKu1CfyA
Aquifer Recharge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7L06BWmgpCs
Broken Hill managed aquifer recharge project (BHMAR) - NSW, Australia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gaDjWUND9Q
Clogging Management for Managed Aquifer Recharge System in Bangladesh: Performed by Md. Mahadi Hasan: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=unMMfo7LUho
Hydrological constraints to managed aquifer recharge in the Indo-Gangetic plains by SA Prathapar: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pissLedqVtw
Hydropolis 2012 - Nambeelup Managed Aquifer Recharge (P11): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6-m1SJGEass
Managed aquifer recharge and stormwater use options (MARSUO): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOdrqT8_maE
Managed aquifer recharge - experiences in Western Australia: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qKdhN47QLkk
Managed aquifer recharge and recycling options project: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9HBjAa7p1Q
National Water Research Institute Symposium: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmr23efAqnA
Popular Aquifer & Groundwater recharge videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h-amgAGAdaQ&list=PLTk2HBZfLt3H1Cx0b-n_HfxLrMdWQcfJT
Rain water harvesting and recharging water: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ytZ1xgdie5Y&list=PLED6EC26516B070ED
Real-time Monitoring of Managed Aquifer Recharge.CITRIS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EX2i9uLXw0g
Recharge well - Rainwater harvesting for aquifer recharge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz_VGaPr610
Recharging aquifers.Zenrainman: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGBT3eL2hno
Underground Fresh Water Storage a cross country learning: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipAd4oyDoL4
Water governance for managed aquifer recharge: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RkgEvzfAkWo
ZA VIDEOS: http://www.artificialrecharge.co.za/13videos.html
Hinds Catchment Plan Change – Nitrogen loads, rules application: https://youtu.be/RtmQjN7pftM
IGRAC (International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre).http://www.un-igrac.org
EC funded projects related to MAR total or partially.
All of them have important releases and books
UNESCO - International Hydrological Programme
CSIRO Land and Water http://www.clw.csiro.au/research/urban/reuse/
China MAR: http://china-mar.ujn.edu.cn/
Aquifer storage and recovery http://www.asrforum.com/
IWMI. (specially for Asia). http://www.iwmi.cgiar.org/
South Africa's Artificial Recharge Information Centre.http://www.artificialrecharge.co.za/
Activities in emergent countries http://www.bebuffered.com/
Aquifer recharging can help stanch drought. Oregon is successfully capturing runoff to underground storage.http://www.hcn.org/issues/46.22/underground-storage-can-help-stanch-invisible-drought
Managed Aquifer Recharge (MAR). Hinds Plains – Overview and Pilot Project Discussion.http://ecan.govt.nz/publications/Council/hdwp-mar-report-bower-20141030.pdf
Water quality trial 'helping nature along (on the outreach side of things) http://www.stuff.co.nz/business/farming/agribusiness/66532767/water-quality-trial-helping-nature-along/
Operation of Groundwater Replenishment Schemes.http://www.gwrsystem.com/
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